The robotic arm operations can be simulated
using a computer. This work is the result of a study at
Zagreb University of Sciences, Mechatronics Study program
and shows how to simplify complicated functions and the
importance of programming rules, in developing one’s own
robot programming language, as well as the user interface
for it. Computer environment (interface and programming
language) was developed for a simulation of a robotic arm
using Unity Engine and C # for programming. The interface
is designed to be simple, so each one with the basic level of
knowledge about robotics can use it for educational
purposes or just for the sake of experimentation. This paper
will explain the prerequisites and development done in
reaching the goal. Expiation of methods used, and scripts
written are given. The goal achieved is creation of the free
tools that can simulate a robotic arm to the point of being
useful, intuitive, and educational. We will also state the
improvements that we plan to do (multiple selection,
rotation and scaling tool).